Dr. Serkan UÇMAK's Super System Experience

14-01-2025 16:48
 Dr. Serkan UÇMAK's Super System Experience
As an endodontist, retreatment cases are among the most frequent procedures I encounter. One of the biggest challenges in these cases is the effective removal of gutta-percha from the root canal systems. Over the years, I’ve tried numerous file systems for retreatments, often relying on chemical solutions to aid in dissolving gutta-percha in difficult cases.
However, the Retreat One system has revolutionized my practice by eliminating the need for gutta-percha solvents—this is a crucial point to emphasize. It allows me to perform tasks that previously required multiple sequential file systems with just a single file. This system enables efficient penetration into the gutta-percha and smooth progress toward the apex, even in curved canals.
The gold alloy technology of the file, combined with its shorter length (less than 25 mm), provides sufficient stiffness for gutta-percha removal while maintaining flexibility comparable to blue alloy technology. This unique combination enhances the system’s performance.
By using different RPM values for the coronal, middle, and apical regions of the root canal system, I observed that gutta-percha could be removed more quickly and effectively. This not only improves procedural efficiency but also enhances postoperative comfort for patients.
Additionally, the Retreat One package includes a 3D file, which is highly effective in removing stubborn fragments of gutta-percha and paste residues from the root canal system without significantly altering the canal anatomy. This file can be used dry at 800 RPM and 1 Ncm torque or wet, allowing simultaneous activation of irrigation solutions.
During root canal treatments, we often encounter complex root canal systems. It can be particularly challenging to achieve effective preparation in cases with steep curvatures or sudden inclinations. These complexities usually prompt us to explore different file systems. However, the Advanced Kit has effectively ended my search for a reliable solution.
The kit contains four different files, and in many cases, I achieved access to the apex effortlessly using only the 10/.07 and 17/.05 files. These minimal preparations were most commonly required in MesioBuccal 2 and MidMesial canals. However, in primary canals with curvatures or calcifications, I could successfully reach the apex and complete the preparation using the 25/.04 file.
On rare occasions when I struggled to reach the apex with the 10/.04 file, I turned to the 08/.03 Glider Pro file, which provided a safer approach to the apex.
I strongly recommend using all files in the Advanced Kit with the RPM and torque values suggested by the manufacturer to achieve optimal results.
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